The Department's strategies and lines of development are defined and implemented by the institutional and informal bodies with the function of directing and managing scientific research, training and knowledge dissemination activities.
Government bodies
Legally represents the Department in all its activities. With the support of the Deputy Director, coordinates the activities of the governing and support bodies that define the strategies and manage the operations of the Department.

Department Council
The council consists of tenured professors, researchers, representatives of the technical/administrative staff, PhD students and research fellows. It represents the body under which the main strategic guidelines are discussed and all decisions concerning the life and activities of the Department are deliberated.
Executive Board
The board has the task of preparing decisions for the Department Committee. By analysing the context, problems and opportunities, it develops strategic guidelines and operational proposals, and implements initiatives through the work carried out by the Delegates appointed by the Director. The Board comprises the Director, the Deputy Director, the Head of Management, three ex officio members and six elected members representing lecturers and researchers.
Executive Board 2023-2026
Department Head
Raffaella CaglianoDeputy Head
Paolo TruccoDepartment Manager
Laura CatellaniCoordinator of the Management Engineering Course Committee
Marika ArenaCoordinator of the PhD Course in Management Engineering
Michela ArnaboldiResearch Development Delegate for the Department of Management Engineering
Enrico CagnoElected Member
Federico Francesco Angelo CaniatoPresident of GSoM - POLIMI Graduate School of Management
Vittorio ChiesaDelegate for Teaching Coordination
Giancarlo GiudiciElected Member
Luca GrilliElected Member
Emanuele LettieriElected Member
Marco MelaciniElected Member
Cristina RossiElected Member
Sergio Terzi
Support Bodies
Scientific Committee
It has the task of discussing the Department's development policies. Convened and chaired by the pro-tempore Director, it is composed of all full professors.
Operational Coordinating Committee
It is a small group that discusses issues related to the operational functioning of the Department. In addition to the Director and Deputy Director, it includes the Department Manager and the contact persons of the Department’s UOFs (Departmental Units).
Administrative services
The Department Manager of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering is:
Head of Organizational Unit Administration and Accounting
Stefano CataldiHead of Communication and International Relations Unit
Mirja CalgaroHead of Organizational Unit for Research
Diletta ApollonioHead of Organizational Unit for Teaching
Flavia GuzzettaHead of Organizational Unit for PhD (ad interim)
Laura CatellaniHead of Staff
Laura Catellani