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Noci Giuliano

Professore Ordinario

Noci Giuliano

Professore Ordinario

Giuliano Noci is full professor of Strategy and Marketing at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering.

From 2011, he is the Vice-Rector for China of Politecnico di Milano.

He is currently a board member of Management Engineering Department; a board member of POLIMI Graduate School of Management; a member of Board of Directors of Polimilano Educational Consulting Ltd, an entity established by Politecnico di Milano to foster post-graduate education and technological transfer projects in China.


Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


His research interests are focused on the analysis of the impacts generated by digital technologies on business model, marketing strategy, and marketing communication.

He leads a number of research group on digital market innovation. He also founded Osservatorio Multicanalità (a research group of multichannel marketing), and PheeL (the laboratory of biomarketing).

Pubblicazioni Selezionate

Tangi L.| Janssen M.| Benedetti M.| Noci G. (2021), "Digital government transformation: A structural equation modelling analysis of driving and impeding factors", International Journal of Information Management, 60

Tangi L.| Benedetti M.| Gastaldi L.| Noci G.| Russo C. (2021), "Mandatory provisioning of digital public services as a feasible service delivery strategy: Evidence from Italian local governments", Government Information Quarterly, 38

Mandolfo M.| Chen S.| Noci G. (2020), "Co-creation in new product development: Which drivers of consumer participation?", International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 12

Tangi L.| Janssen M.| Benedetti M.| Noci G. (2020), "Barriers and Drivers of Digital Transformation in Public Organizations: Results from a Survey in the Netherlands", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12219, 42-56

Bettiga D.| Bianchi A.M.| Lamberti L.| Noci G. (2020), "Consumers Emotional Responses to Functional and Hedonic Products: A Neuroscience Research", Frontiers in Psychology, 11