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Ghezzi Antonio

Professore Associato

Ghezzi Antonio

Professore Associato

Antonio Ghezzi, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Strategy & Marketing at the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano – Italy.

Professor of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Hi-tech Startups, Lean Startup Approaches, Digital Strategy, Digital Innovation & Transformation at POLIMI Graduate School of Management, where he also serves as Vice-Director of the “Digital Innovation” Executive Program; and Head of Research at the Hi-tech Startups Observatory – Digital Innovation Observatories.

He has Editorial and Reviewer commitments in 30+ scientific journals.


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


His main research interests include:

  • Business Model Design, Validation & Innovation process for Startups and Incumbents, with specific reference to Digital Business Models (BMs) – e.g. data-driven BMs, Multisided Platforms BMs, Sharing Economy BMs;
  • Lean Startup Approaches (LSAs) as a scientific and experiment-based approach to Entrepreneurship;
  • Digital Strategy, Innovation & Transformation, Digitally-enabled Business Model Innovation;
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Incumbent-Startups strategic collaboration within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.

Pubblicazioni Selezionate

Cavallo A.| Ghezzi A.| Rossi-Lamastra C. (2021), "Small-medium enterprises and innovative startups in entrepreneurial ecosystems: exploring an under-remarked relation", International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17, 1843-1866

Cavallo A.| Ghezzi A.| Sanasi S. (2021), "Assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems through a strategic value network approach: evidence from the San Francisco Area", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 28, 261-276

Trabucchi D.| Sanasi S.| Ghezzi A.| Buganza T. (2021), "Idle Asset Hunters—The Secret of Multi-sided Platforms", Research Technology Management, 64, 33-42

Silva D.S.| Ghezzi A.| Aguiar R.B.| Cortimiglia M.N.| ten Caten C.S. (2021), "Lean startup for opportunity exploitation: adoption constraints and strategies in technology new ventures", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 27, 944-969

Cavallo A.| Sanasi S.| Ghezzi A.| Rangone A. (2021), "Competitive intelligence and strategy formulation: connecting the dots", Competitiveness Review, 31, 250-275

Servizio alla comunità

  • Program Vice Director of Corporate Relations - POLIMI Graduate School of Management
  • Responsible for Institutional project/activity - Since 2017, member of the “Faculty Management” group (Head: Prof. Raffaella Cagliano)
  • Member of the Editorial Team for the following scientific journals: (i) Technological Forecasting and Social Change (ii) Journal of Business Models (iii) Production
  • Reviewer for the following scientific journals: Long Range Planning (AiIG GOLD), since 2018; Journal of Small Business Management (AiIG GOLD), since 2018; Scandinavian Journal of Management (AiIG SILVER), since 2018; Business Horizons (AiIG SILVER), since 2018; International Business Review (AiIG SILVER), since 2018; Production, since 2018; R&D Management (AiIG SILVER), since 2017; Creativity and Innovation Management (AiIG Silver), since 2017; Journal of Cleaner Production (AiIG GOLD), since 2017; International Journal of Management Reviews (AiIG GOLD), since 2016: Journal of Small Business Management (AiIG GOLD), since 2016; Electronic Markets (AiIG SILVER), since 2016; Technological Forecasting & Social Change (AiIG GOLD), since 2015; Innovation – Management, Policy and Practice (AiIG BRONZE), since 2016; Industry and Innovation (AiIG SILVER), since 2016; Management Research Review (AiIG BRONZE), since 2015; Sage Open, since 2016; Journal of Business Models, since 2015; Journal of Product Innovation Management (AiIG GOLD), since 2014; Information and Management (AiIG GOLD), since 2014; International Journal of Electronic Commerce (AiIG GOLD), since 2014; Business Process Management Journal (AiIG SILVER), since 2014; International Journal of Information Management (AiIG SILVER), since 2013; Management Decision (AiIG SILVER), since 2013; Journal of Information Technology (AiIG GOLD), since 2013; Journal of Information Technology Management, since 2013; Technology Analysis and Strategic Management (AiIG SILVER), since 2013; Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, since 2013; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, since 2012; IEEE IT Professional, since 2012
  • Guest Editor for the International Journal of Information Management (Scopus, ISI, AiIG SILVER), Special Issue entitled “Special Issue on Unleashing the Disrupting Power of Social Media: Reprise and Way Forward”. Published in 2014. Guest Editor for the Business Process Management Journal (Scopus, AiIG SILVER), Special Issue entitled “Reinventing Managerial Processes: How to Effectively Leverage the Tensions Underlying Management Innovation”. Published in 2014.
  • Involvement in administrative and institutional tasks: (i) Since 2017, member of the “Faculty Management” group (Head: Prof. Raffaella Cagliano); (ii) Since 2016, Professor (with Prof. Emanuele Lettieri and Prof. Guido Micheli) at the PhD Course “Literature Review in Social Sciences and Engineering - Epistemology of Research in Social Sciences” – PhD in Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano; (iii) Since 2015, DIG Representative at the Industrial Engineering Commission for the “State Exam”; (iv) In 2015, DIG Representative at the evaluation committee for Erasmus + for Traineeship; (v) From 2014 to 2017, Delegate of the President of the Consiglio del Corso di Studi (CCS), at the Steering Committee at Como campus; (vi) Since 2007, Member of the Communication, orientation and promotion team at the Cremona campus.

Progetti di ricerca

  • Unlocking the potential of New Space Economy for Circular Economy

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