09:00 - 18:00
Campus Durando, MADE, PoliHub
HumanTech Day 2
Reframing Processes, Organizations, and Systems in the More-than-Human Society
Approaching the end of the second year of the HumanTech project means that it is time to share progress and ideas to move on with our research; hence, the Department is organising the annual event as a moment of discussion, reflection and learning between us. Inspirations by international keynote speakers and opportunities offered by the new laboratories will boost current research activities.
In the morning, the event will host Peter Skillman, Global Head of Design at Philips, who will share with us his vision on the role of AI. Then we will break up into parallel sessions to present and discuss the posters of the three HumanTech research lines.
After the networking lunch, Francesca Borgonovi, Head of Skills Analysis OECD Centre for Skills, will discuss the role of skills in promoting the digital transition. Subsequently, we will be able to visit the new laboratories to stimulate research ideas and foster collaboration.
The day will conclude with a closing plenary to share the synthesis of the parallel sessions of the morning and then celebrate with a moment of happy hour and networking.
9:00 Registration and welcome coffee (Venue: Aula Magna Carlo De Carli – Building B9)
9:30 Greetings and introduction
Prof. Raffaella Cagliano, Director of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering (DIG), Politecnico di Milano
Prof. Federico Caniato, Program Manager HumanTech Project, DIG, Politecnico di Milano
10:00 Keynote speech and Q&A | Thinking of AI through the lens of AI and Health and what it means for management scholars
Peter Skillman, Global Head of Design, Philips
11:00-13:00 Parallel sessions | Poster Slam Sessions and Workshops
- HumanTech Research Line 1 – Human-centred digital technology development models and processes
Facilitators: Proff. Claudio Dell’Era, Chiara Franzoni, Antonio Ghezzi, Josip Kotlar
(Venue: Aula 01-Building B2) - HumanTech Research Line 2 – Resilient and sustainable production, logistics and supply chain processes, enabled by digital technologies
Facilitators: Proff. Stefano Elia, Giovanni Miragliotta, Antonella Moretto
(Venue: Aula Magna Carlo De Carli) - HumanTech Research Line 3 – Digital-enabled, human-centred organisational models and work systems
Facilitators: Proff. Filomena Canterino, Guido Micheli, Evila Piva
(Venue: Aula F.lli Castiglioni-Building B1 3rd floor)
13:00 Networking Lunch (Venue: Spazio Mostre Aula De Carli – Building B9)
14:00 Keynote speech and Q&A | The role of skills in promoting the digital transition (Venue: Aula Magna Carlo De Carli – Building B9)
Francesca Borgonovi, Head of Skills Analysis OECD Centre for Skills
15:00-17:00 Breakout Sessions & Lab visits
Garetti CORE Lab (Venue: MADE Competence Center I4.0, Building B8)
Industry 5.0 and the Human-centric Paradigm for Operations Management Research Analyses
Prof. Matthias Klumpp, Prof. Sara Perotti, Prof. Elena Tappia, Dr. Adalberto Polenghi, Mr. Walter Quadrini and Mr. Danish Abbas Syed (DIG-PoliMi), Dr. Thomas De Lombaert (University of Hasselt), Mr. Jannick Fiedler (ETH / Inspire AG Zürich)
- 15:00-15:15 Introduction to Garetti CORE Lab
- 15:15-16:00 Cognitive Ergonomics Experiment Demonstrator Sessions
- 16:00-16:45 Experiment Interpretation Sessions
- 16:45-17:00 Conclusions
BRIEL Lab (Venue: PoliHub, 39 G. Durando Street)
- 15:00-17:00 Conducting research using BRIEL in multiple domains: Applications, state of the art, and practicalities (Arena Room, 1st floor)
Prof. Lucio Lamberti, Prof. Emanuele Lettieri, Prof. Vincenzo Butticè, Prof. Filomena Canterino, Dr. Marco Mandolfo, Prof. Mariano Alcañiz (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Prof. Andrea Gaggioli (Università Cattolica di Milano) - 15:00-17:00 Training and demos on the equipment of the Lab (7th floor)
Dr. Maurizio Mauri, Dr. Marc-Antoine Fortin, Mr. Alberto Galbiati, Mr. Francesco Ghiacci
DataHub – Exploring potential use cases (Venue: MADE, Aula Formazione)
- 15:00 Seminar “Harnessing Cluster Computing for Cutting-Edge Social Science | Applications in Policy Polarization to Corruption Detection and Media Influence”
Dr. Sergio Galletta, ETH Zurich; “Examples of Policy Impact Analyses on Mobility, Consumption and Scientific Production” and Dr. Giovanni Bonaccorsi, DIG, Politecnico di Milano - 16:00 Hands-on session with DataCloud experts, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano
17:00 Closing plenary (Venue: MADE, Auditorium)
Rapporteurs for each Parallel Session
Prof. Paolo Trucco, Deputy Director, DIG, Politecnico di Milano
17:30 Happy Hour
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