Manchin Miriam Judit
Professore Associato
Manchin Miriam Judit
Professore Associato
Miriam Manchin is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano and a Senior Researcher at the World Trade Institute (WTI) in Bern.
She holds a Phd from the Université catholique de Louvain, an MA in Economics from the College of Europe, Bruge and Corvinus University, Budapest.
She worked previously as an Associate Professor at UCL, as a researcher at the Tinbergen Institute in Rotterdam, at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels, at Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano in Milan, at the Kiel Institute in Kiel, and at the Vienna Institute for International Economics in Vienna.
She also worked previously at the European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs.
Miriam’s current research interests include economic integration, trade agreements, cross-border production chains, business group networks, multinational firms, trade and development, trade and institutions, and migration.
Pubblicazioni Selezionate
Bekkers E.| Francois J.| Manchin M. (2020), "Sector and importer determinants of prices for traded intermediates", Canadian Journal of Economics, 53, 720-742
Francois J.| Manchin M., "Market power in distribution and pass-through for consumers and producers", Review of International Economics, 27, 290-312
Manchin M.| Orazbayev S., "Social networks and the intention to migrate", World Development, 109, 360-374