Piva Evila
Professore Ordinario
Piva Evila
Professore Ordinario
Evila Piva is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at Politecnico di Milano, co-Director of the International Part time MBA and Exchange Programs Director at Polimi Graduate School of Management, Delegate for the Bachelor program in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
She is member of the Italian Association of Managerial Engineering (AiIg) and she has been member of the Strategic Management Society and of the Academy of Management.
She has been supervisor or member of the guidance/reading committees of 5 PhD students.
PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
The areas of research of Evila Piva include:
- economics and managerial aspects of crowdfunding with special focus on the strategic decisions and performance of crowdfunding platforms;
- student and academic entrepreneurship;
- economics and managerial aspects of collaborations of high-tech start-ups;
- organizational design of high-tech start-ups;
- new firm creation and growth.
On these topics, she has published more than 30 papers on international peer-reviewed journals.
She is associate editor of the Journal of Small Business Management and she is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.
Pubblicazioni Selezionate
Colombo M.G.| Piva E.| Quas A.| Rossi-Lamastra C. (2021), "Dynamic capabilities and high-tech entrepreneurial ventures’ performance in the aftermath of an environmental jolt", Long Range Planning, 54
Colombo M.G.| Piva E. (2020), "Start-ups launched by recent STEM university graduates: The impact of university education on entrepreneurial entry", Research Policy, 49
Dushnitsky G.| Piva E.| Rossi-Lamastra C. (2020), "Investigating the mix of strategic choices and performance of transaction platforms: Evidence from the crowdfunding setting", Strategic Management Journal
Colombo M.G.| Piva E., "Knowledge misappropriation risks and contractual complexity in entrepreneurial ventures’ non-equity alliances", Small Business Economics, 53, 107-127
Piva E.| Rossi-Lamastra C., "Human capital signals and entrepreneurs’ success in equity crowdfunding", Small Business Economics, 51, 667-686
Servizio alla comunità
- Vice Director of the Research Group Academic Entrepreneurship, 01/03/2007 - to date
- Director - Advanced Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at MIP, 01/09/2016 - to date
- Co-director of
- Member of the PhD Board - PhD in Management Engineering, 01/01/2012 - to date
- Member of editorial team of "Localizzazione, Innovazione e Crescita delle Giovani Imprese ad Alta Tecnologia. Il caso della provincia di Milano". Franco Anegli, 2006, Italia
- Member of Advisoty Board of Journal of Industrial and Business Economics (Scopus)
- Associate editor of Journal of Small Business Management (ISI and Scopus)
- Reviewer for: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Small Business Management, Small Business Economics, R&D Management, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, European Management Review, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, Asia Pacific Management Review.