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Pozzetti Alessandro

Professore Ordinario

Pozzetti Alessandro

Professore Ordinario

Alessandro Pozzetti is Full Professor of Logistics and Production Systems at Politecnico di Milano, where he served as Director of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Dean of the School of Systems Engineering and a member of the Academic Senate.

He is currently a member of the Evaluation Board of Politecnico di Milano and a member of the Board of CISIA.


Master of Science: Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


His research interests are in the field of operations management, with a particular focus on integrated maintenance and production planning, production scheduling and reconfigurability of manufacturing systems.

Pubblicazioni Selezionate

Napoleone A.| Macchi M.| Pozzetti A. (2020), "A review on the characteristics of cyber-physical systems for the future smart factories", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 54, 305-335

Polenghi A.| Roda I.| Macchi M.| Pozzetti A. (2020), "A Conceptual Model of the IT Ecosystem for Asset Management in the Global Manufacturing Context", IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 592, 711-719

Polenghi A.| Roda I.| Macchi M.| Pozzetti A. (2020), "Data taxonomy to manage information and data in maintenance management", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53, 245-250

Polenghi A.| Roda I.| Macchi M.| Pozzetti A., "Investigating information and data criticality in asset management decision-making process", Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 1, 67-73

Polenghi A.| Roda I.| Macchi M.| Pozzetti A., "Conceptual Framework for a Data Model to Support Asset Management Decision-Making Process", IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 566, 283-290

Servizio alla comunità

  • Programme Director of MBA at MIP Politecnico di Milano
  • Director of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
  • Member of the MIP Board
  • Reviewer for the International Journal of Production Research