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Neri Alessandra


Neri Alessandra



PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Pubblicazioni Selezionate

Khatami F. Vilamová Š. Cagno E. De Bernardi P. Neri A. Cantino V. , "Efficiency of consumer behaviour and digital ecosystem in the generation of the plastic waste toward the circular economy", Journal of Environmental Management, 325, 116555

Cagno E. Negri M. Neri Al. Giambone M., "One Framework to Rule Them All: An Integrated, Multi-level and Scalable Performance Measurement Framework of Sustainability, Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis", Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35, 55-71

Neri A. Negri M. Cagno E. Franzò S. Kumar V. Lampertico T. Bassani C.A., "The role of digital technologies in supporting the implementation of circular economy practices by industrial small and medium enterprises", Business Strategy and the Environment, 1-26

Neri A. Cagno E. Paredi S., "The mutual interdependences between safety and operations: A systematic literature review", Safety Science, 105812

Micheli G.J.L. Cagno E. Neri A. Cieri E., "Non-safety costs: A novel methodology for an ex-ante evaluation", Safety Science, 133