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Cantini Alessandra


Cantini Alessandra


Alessandra Cantini received her Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering (management and production curriculum) from the University of Florence, discussing her thesis on April 09, 2019, and obtaining a grade of 110 cum laude and mention for her university career.

In 2019, she obtained the license to practice as an industrial engineer.

From 2019 to 2022, she was a Ph.D. student in a Co-tutelle agreement between two different scientific centers: the University of Florence (UNIFI) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

At UNIFI, her research activities aimed at achieving the Ph.D. degree in "Industrial and Reliability Engineering."


The research areas of interest of Alessandra Cantini include supply chain management, logistics, inventory management, distribution network configuration, industrial engineering, and spare parts management.

In this contexts, she is also investigating sustainability impacts of economic and environmental nature.